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Wards 11 and 12 – spoilt for choice?

Dear Spurtle,

I note that the two areas with the most candidates for the upcoming Local Government Election are Wards 11 (City Centre, 13) and 12 (Leith Walk, 12). What does this say about these two polities?

It has been suggested that the number of candidates reflects the politically sensitising effect of active and well-run community councils, the number and seriousness of issues facing constituents, and a hyperlocal press alerting voters to where these problems are being discussed.

As a local resident, I sincerely hope that this will also translate into a record turnout, electing high-quality, active, independent-minded, locally focused and constructive councillors. And that the political parties have done a better job than they did in 2017 in weeding out unproductive, aggressive, sinecure-seeking candidates before they get onto the ballot paper.

Harald Tobermann

Pilrig Street

