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Adventure, Challenge, Fun – all words associated with Scouting, writes Broughton Scout Group’s Assistant Leader John Hawryluk. 

At the start of 2016 Chief Scout Bear Grylls challenged Cub sections the length and breadth of the country to celebrate ‘The Wildest Birthday Ever’ for the Centenary of Cub Scouts. The Cubs at 11th Broughton St Mary’s definitely rose to the challenge.

Through the year, Cubs took part in a variety of camps including a large District Camp, named a new sailing boat at Longcraig Scout Centre, watched a special screening of The Jungle Book at the Odeon and took a trip to Edinburgh Castle.

The year was rounded off by joining over 500 other Cubs from around South East Scotland for a birthday party and to renew their promise at the Ross Bandstand in Princes Street Gardens.

The promise renewal moment was 19:16, but to get the Cubs warmed up they sang their favourite campfire songs. After the big moment and formalities were over, the Cubs were wowed by a magician.

South East Scotland Assistant Regional Commissioner (Activities), Diane Marshall commented: ‘It’s been great to see so many local Cubs celebrating their 100th birthday throughout the year, finished off in spectacular fashion with our amazing Promise Party’.

Edinburgh North East Assistant District Commissioner (Cubs) and local Cub Scout Leader Simon Cawthorne commented: ‘I really want to thank our dedicated volunteers across Edinburgh North East who give up their valuable time to organise an adventurous programme for our Young People.

‘2016 has been a massive year for the section and I have been amazed at the variety of activities on offer from sailing sessions at Longcraig, District Camp at Bonaly, visits to the Royal Observatory and fire stations across the District or the weekly sessions taking place across Leith, Newhaven and Portobello areas’.

It’s safe to say this has been an action-packed year … here’s to the next 100 years of Cub Scouts.