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Police in Edinburgh today released a press release. We reproduce it unedited and in full below.


Police in Edinburgh are appealing for information after a 35-year-old man was seriously assaulted in the early hours of the morning on Thursday, 27 August, 2020.

The incident happened around 1am outside Spey Lounge on [39] Leith Walk. The victim was taken to Edinburgh Royal Infirmary for treatment to a serious head injury.

The suspect is believed to be male.

Detective Inspector Clark Martin, of Edinburgh CID, said: “I am appealing to anyone who was in the area around the time of the incident and witnessed the assault but has not yet spoken to police to come forward. 

“I would also ask anyone who was driving in the area and has a dash-cam to check back and see if there is any footage that may be able to assist our investigation.”

Anyone with information can contact police on 101, quoting reference number 0307 of 27 August, or anonymously via Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.
