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The Living Memory Association, based at Ocean Terminal, has recently been given a Heritage Fund award, writes project worker Russell Clegg. We’re using it to start a new reminiscence project – ‘Away for the Messages’ – on shops and retail history in and around Edinburgh.

We are looking for folk to contribute their stories, lived experiences and indeed photos and shop-based ephemera to the project (we can scan these and include in our current exhibition).

The first iteration of the project has commenced in our ground-floor unit opposite the main entrance to Ocean Terminal. (I staff this space on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays at the moment.) We are also seeking to recruit some volunteers to help us.

Folk who worked for the St Cuthbert's Association (‘The Store’), Leith Provident or any of the other co-operatives is something we are particularly keen to hear about.

I include an image from the Thelma Account on Edinburgh Collected of a shop circa early 20th century. It was believed to have been located on Fettes Row (perhaps on the corner of Dundas Street?) Maybe the Spurtle’s readers can help us identify it.

Livings Family shop, Fettes Row

It is described as: The Livings Family Shop, Fettes Row c.1912: Mrs Livings (née Steele?) with her youngest child Adam in front of the family shop in Fettes Row.
