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Submitted by Editor on

Many local readers will have noticed that the controversial reversal of Forth Street's one-way system which had been scheduled for 10am this morning has been 'postponed'.

Cancelled more like. Spurtle now has the explanation.

The switch was initially arranged in response to possible serious congestion which might follow today's closure of Princes Street to buses. Re-routed traffic coming over the Bridges was to have been funnelled down Leith Street, and it was feared that vehicles would cause snarl-ups as they queued to turn right into Broughton Street from York Place.

In this contingency, an alternative was sought: blocking the right-turn into Broughton Street from York Place and diverting it via Union and Forth Streets.

As part of this contingency, a temporary bus stop for the No. 8 service was to have been sited on Forth Street.

However, local residents were less than impressed by this proposal – whether because of disturbance, loss of parking, or a sense of impending 'sheer, bloody chaos' – and contacted City Centre Councillor Joanna Mowat.

Acting on their behalf, she pressed for the plan to be abandoned and met with success late on Friday. The amended 'postponed' signs appeared on Saturday.

Should it become necessary, a new contingency will now be adopted. The right-turn into Broughton Street from York Place would be blocked for all vehicles except the No. 8 bus, which would have exclusive use of a 'bus gate' (painted lane). Other traffic would be diverted via Annandale and East London Streets, as first predicted in Issue 204 (p.1).

Spurtle observed the scene this morning during rush hour, and noted that whilst traffic was queuing along Leith Street from the roundabout up to Greenside Row, it was moving through quite promptly and appeared no better or worse than usual. We understand this may in part be due to unusually light traffic, and/or to a rephasing of the lights at York Place.

In any case, long may the results continue.
