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Batleys Limited cash and carry are seeking a review of City of Edinburgh Council’s refusal to grant them a temporary extension of trading hours.

As mostly recently reported online here, the McDonald Place wholesaler had originally sought to trade on Sundays during the Festival from 2 August to 8 September (Ref. 15/02378/FUL). But CEC said local residents should continue to enjoy one day a week’s relief from ‘unacceptable noise and disturbance’.

Batleys see things differently. In their supporting document – which incidentally exceeds the requested 500-character limit by approximitately 7,000, characters – they say:

there is no evidence to suggest that the opening of the cash and carry on six Sundays (in August and early September) will cause “unacceptable” levels of noise and disturbance. Furthermore, it cannot be correct for the Council to state (in the decision notice) that the perceived noise and disturbance for local residents would take place “seven days a week, without respite”, since the proposals by their very nature are only seeking a temporary period of extended opening (i.e. there would clearly be respite on every other Sunday of the year when the site would not be permitted to open).

Batleys go on to argue that that the Council decision ignores the findings of its own officers who, Batleys say, agreed with a Noise Assessment which found there would be no ‘significant unacceptable noise levels’.

'Accident waiting to happen'

Nearby residents of course would beg to differ, if only they could make themselves heard. One local contacted Spurtle with first-hand evidence of the very real rather than ‘perceived’ nature of the problem:

A great example of the disturbance and chaos … was back in June [when] a large HGV reversed into my stationary car while my 3-year-old son was still inside, shunting it meters along the pavement and causing significant damage to the vehicle. 

My little boy was distraught, as you can imagine, as was I, and he is still terrified of the ‘big blue lorry’!

This was caused after I had to ask the driver to move from my drive. 

This is nothing new as I had to contact the Parking Team on no fewer than 4 occasions on Thursday due to large vehicles being parked across my drive meaning I can’t access my own home! Our street is basically an extension of their car park.

Given the danger this poses to residents, it’s a foregone conclusion that a serious accident will happen!

The noise, dirt and vibrations these lorries create is also phenomenal. However, according to Batleys we should just deal with it and then take some more during the Festival in order that they can line their pockets a little bit more!

The subject of Batley’s review was raised at last night’s meeting of the New Town and Broughton Community Council, which has opposed a Batleys application in the past.

Members expressed vexation at Batleys persistence. They will review what – if anything – NTBCC can do next.

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