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New plans for a hotel at A-listed 1-3,5 Baxter's Place were revealed last night at a meeting of the New Town and Broughton Community Council.

Representatives of Scott Hobbs Planning Ltd, architects 3DReid, and the developer Chris Stewart Group outlined the very earliest stages of a proposal which modifies that consented in 2009 for the Fitzpatrick Design Collection (Refs 08/03635/FUL; 12/02263/PAN). They claim to have an 'international brand and finance' in place for the scheme.

If all goes smoothly, work could begin in Spring 2013 with completion by late 2014.

It should be stressed that the proposals described last night were vague and have still to be finalised, but interesting points which emerged included:

  • retention of the (consented) shop premises at the front of the property
  • abandonment of the contentious, external terrace bar to the rear in favour of an unoccupied 'set-back' area, allowing more light for neighbouring residents
  • a continued intention to use the terrace outside the façade for outdoor dining
  • retention of consented roof and parapet heights throughout.

Although the Fitzpatrick Design Collection is no longer concerned in the bid, associated development and architectural personnel remain involved. Staff presenting the plans would not reveal the name of the 'international brand' they have lined up for the premises, but Spurtle understands it to be Marriott Hotels – a mid-range chain which already has a branch in Edinburgh at the Gyle.

This choice of operator has informed changes to the consented plan already in place. Rather than a boutique hotel with a number of eating and drinking facilities attached to it, Marriott's preference would be for fewer bars and restaurants and a greater number of smaller rooms: up to 240.

Potentially, this is good news for leisure businesses already operating in the area.

NTBCC members reacted with polite caution to the presentation. There was a sense that the true massing of the new proposal (estimated by some as 10 per cent bigger) at the rear had not adequately come across in the artist's mock-ups.

It was agreed to reserve judgement until more detailed plans are available at a formal Pre-Application Notification meeting on 20 September in Greenside Parish Church. All members of the public will be entitled to attend. Confirmed times will be published in the Spurtle.

For background to this story, see Issues 168, 171, 173, 182, 193, 203 and Breaking news (24.7.12).