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After 12 years in business, staff at The Beerhive are releasing their first beer, made in collaboration with the Closet Brewing Project.

Edinburgh-based Closet Brewing are one of the smallest micro-breweries (if not the smallest) in the country. Their name derives from the fact that the very first beers they made were brewed in a closet in their home!

They have now scaled up to their kitchen and this is where Peter Sherry and Beehive colleagues brewed the beer with them a couple of months ago. 

The beer, named Hivemind, is a 6.7 per cent Black IPA, one of Sherry’s favourite styles but one which is sadly under-represented in modern brewing. A touch of rye was added to inform the texture and deliver a spicy, rustic edge.

The beer was launched last week at The Stockbridge Tap, but there are also cans for sale in the shop at 24 Rodney Street.

2 cans of Hivemind
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