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Local business


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Encouraging how Broughton Pharmacy community library has flourished since modest start in Sept 2019: see p.2 in Issue 289.

Now a well-used local resource with sometimes startling content, including Spurtles.





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What’s going on at No 62 Raeburn Place?

Only a few weeks after opening in the lavishly refurbished former premises of Corson’s the ironmongers, the Stockroom deli (‘for foodies by foodies’) suddenly and mysteriously shut up shop.  

No explanatory notice has been posted in the window, and some two months’ unopened mail piles up inside the front door.


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After 12 years in business, staff at The Beerhive are releasing their first beer, made in collaboration with the Closet Brewing Project.

Edinburgh-based Closet Brewing are one of the smallest micro-breweries (if not the smallest) in the country. Their name derives from the fact that the very first beers they made were brewed in a closet in their home!

They have now scaled up to their kitchen and this is where Peter Sherry and Beehive colleagues brewed the beer with them a couple of months ago. 


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Charlie Ellis tells us how to find a decent brew and rues the loss of a promising newcomer

Speciality coffee houses have reached a degree of ubiquity in the city. It’s part of a seemingly irreversible tide of hipsterisation. Specialty coffee is now well established In Edinburgh with several top-class roasters and numerous high-calibre coffeehouses.

The likes of Artisan Roast, Williams & Johnson and Fortitude have been serving carefully crafted brews for well over a decade.

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