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Submitted by Editor on

On Friday morning we published Neil Jones’s e-mail to the Council appealing for clarity and competence on East Claremont Street ('Too small, too few, too unclear'). 

The half-baked introduction of a recycling system at one end there had caused nothing but confusion.

With surprising speed, matters have now been partially sorted out.

On Friday lunchtime, Jones was contacted by a Waste and Open Spaces Development Officer who revealed that officials hadn’t realised there were any houses at the Broughton Point end of the street.

‘I guess that, being relatively new builds (1935), they just hadn’t got round to updating their records.’

He was promised a new grey wheelie bin within the next ten days. And a ‘New Recycling and Waste Service’ welcome pack, with apologetic letter, was hand-delivered on Saturday afternoon/evening.

A special uplift of landfill-waste green bins was also promptly arranged.

‘So, it turns out that you only have to ask nicely,’ concludes Jones, tongue firmly in cheek.

Council staff evidently went out of their way to sort out the muddle here.

But piecemeal responses to well-publicised complaints are of course not enough. Locals want a system that works reliably.

Meanwhile, elsewhere in the neighbourhood, last week’s blue-bucket presentation still await uplift, and the Melgund Terrace bottle bank is yet again filled to overflowing, and the bins remain wrongly positioned on the Council map, and there are glitches using Android phones to report problems on the website etc. etc. etc.  ...

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 John Hein Them's rubbish photies. ..