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Passers-by have been left pleasantly bewildered this week by the sight of one particular tree in the bottom garden below Mansfield Place.

It's been 'bombed'.

That's the technical term for a spot of unannounced guerilla crafting (or street art), and those wielding the pompoms here on Tuesday were staff from the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations based in the Mansfield Traquair Centre adjacent.

They were taking part in a campaign by Voluntary Arts Scotland to raise awareness of Voluntary Arts Week – the  annual week-long celebration of amateur arts and crafts activity across the UK and Republic of Ireland.

'Seven of us knitted, pompom-ed and sewed during our lunch breaks and in the evenings,' one crafter told Spurtle. 'We made over 100 pom poms and it took us about a week to get everything together. 

'The main organisers were Sally Dyson, Val Tesdale and Caroline Christie. Val was our main pompom creator with some help from Geoff (aged 10), Alfie (aged 4) and Daisy (aged 2).'

Those we spoke to at the bus stop were all in favour. Local blackbirds are apparently less impressed, and for the last few days have been carrying out a carefully targeted bombing campaign of their own.

They needn't fret. The pompoms will be coming down this afternoon. 

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