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Calum Cashley – the 4th-placed, SNP candidate in the General Election – today contacted Spurtle with his reaction.

'I won! By far the best description from the Spurtle hustings – "Suited and tied, like a bear at a wedding"!

'I congratulate Mark Lazarowicz on his victory, and most candidates on fighting a clean campaign. I was disappointed to see the Lib Dem campaign telling lies about others – especially the lie about Mark being involved in the MPs' expenses scandal when he had actually been cleared. Anyone that desperate to be elected shouldn't be trusted with our votes.

'With the election over and Scotland delivering exactly the same result as last time but facing a different government in London, we have interesting times ahead as Scotland seeks to avoid the worst effects of the Lib Dem/Conservative Government.

'Still, we get to vote again next year so we can do it all over again – cheer up!'