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The Rock Trust is looking for inspirational people with a spare bedroom in Edinburgh. 

The Albany Street-based charity, which tackles homelessness among young people aged 16–25, seeks Nightstop hosts who could occasionally provide a bed for (usually) 1 night–2 weeks. 

‘Offering a safety net to those forced to leave their home, Nightstop places young people in a safe and warm place for the night, provided free by a vetted and approved volunteer,’ writes Rock Trust’s Katriona Harding. 

The scheme prevents young people from sleeping rough, ‘sofa surfing’ or staying in unsuitable B&Bs or hostels where they would be at risk of abuse.

‘The use of spare rooms in a positive environment makes a huge difference to young people in crisis,’ says Harding, and helps to prevent them slipping into the homeless cycle from which it can be difficult to escape.

All the young people and hosts are assessed beforehand, and volunteers’ expenses are met. 24-hour support is available.

For more information, follow the link above or contact: Sharon Stoddart, Compass Project Manager, Tel. 557 4059, [].