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A new campaign called Winter Weather Watch wants Broughton residents to help monitor how well the Council cares for vulnerable older people in severe weather, and to what extent it succeeds in not letting them become isolated from their commuity and vital public services. 

Campaigner Doug Anthoney writes: 'Edinburgh City Council says that it’s ready to look after older residents; we want to test its claims and, if necessary, hold it to account with public help.'  

Age Scotland – the charity behind Winter Weather Watch – has asked every Scottish local authority about its plans for looking after vulnerable older people in winter, and has produced the following good-practice recommendations for them:

  • Create a dedicated plan for identifying vulnerable older people and meeting their needs in winter.
  • Take action to ensure older people and their families are aware of the plan and how to register for assistance.
  • Form partnerships with voluntary organisations for an improved weather emergency response.
  • Prioritise locations with a high proportion of older people for salt and grit.
  • Review winter plans annually with a range of partners to check that they are working for older people.

Based on details gained from a Freedom of Information request in December 2011, Age Scotland's Senior Policy and Parliamentary Officer Callum Chomczuk says: 'Edinburgh City Council has a dedicated plan for supporting vulnerable older people during severe winter weather. 

'We were impressed by its approach to publicising and reviewing this plan, and by the partnerships it had developed with the voluntary sector locally. We look forward to hearing from residents how well this is working in practice.'

Locals can sign up here or at Tel. 0845 833 0200. Participants' details will be noted, and they will be contacted again in spring 2013 to ask about winter experiences.

Age Scotland was formed in 2009 by the merger of Help the Aged and Age Concern in Scotland. It is working towards 'a Scotland and a world where older people flourish as valued and equal citizens'.