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Broughton residents with an interest in local current affairs – planning, licensing, environment, transport – and constitutional niceties will be spoilt for choice on Monday 14 May.

Not only is the Leith Central Community Council holding its AGM followed by an ordinary meeting at 7pm in McDonald Road Library; but so too is the New Town and Broughton Community Council at 7.15pm in Broughton St Mary's Parish Church on Bellevue Crescent.

That's literally hours and hours of fun-packed minutes to look forward to.

Among other matters, Leith CCC will use the opportunity to finalise its arrangements for Leith Gala Day (Friday 9 June), and New Town and Broughton CC will question EMA Architecture and Design representatives about their new outline plans for 130 McDonald Road (see Breaking news, 10.5.12).

Both events are open to the public, free, and pre-booking is not necessary.