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Cumberland Street residents had the fleeting taste of a new sensation this month, writes Fred Street of the New Town Clean Streets Campaign

A burst water main on 14 December saw the west end of the street closed off for a week, and communal bins not serviced. Residents availed themselves of this opportunity to find out what it’s like to be a Bin Tourist (rather than a Bin Destination) using the newly arrived St Vincent Street and Circus Place bins instead. 

In other news, Dundonald Street finally has its full complement of bins, after a three-week-long struggle between City of Edinburgh Council and rogue parkers, who kept parking in the yellow-lined space reserved to accommodate them.

Since the last update, bins have also arrived for Royal Crescent, Dublin, Albany and Howe Streets.

London Street residents are, we trust, sharpening their pencils ready for a new CEC gull bag/communal bin consultation exercise scheduled for the New Year (Breaking news, 10/12/2014).

Meanwhile, food waste collections continue as erratically as ever across Spurtleshire. CEC ask that you report missed collections and leave your bin out for as long as it takes.

Use this email link to contact the NTCSC with any refuse-related gripes or observations.

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 Irene Hutchison ‏@IreneHutchison 

@theSpurtle @NTCleanStreets Thinking og Glasgow not bloody bins

@theSpurtle Good news, but we need strong bin police (Zurich model) to deal with stupidity and law breaking I regularly see from the window.

@theSpurtle @NTCleanStreets Cumberland Street residents are savages. I'd brick up the street for a year to teach them a lesson.

@Protonmale @theSpurtle it would be grand if @edinburgh_cc got round to fixing the bins on my street. Currently 1 no lid. 3 broken catches.

Broughton Spurtle ‏@theSpurtle

@CityCycling @Protonmale @Edinburgh_CC Where? Understand you don't get considered until 22 catches, but must then go to back of queue.

@theSpurtle Excellent!

@theSpurtle also. can't get 22 broken catches cos there's only 4 communal general bins overall. All compromised @Protonmale @Edinburgh_CC

@CityCycling but have you reported it? (is that St Stephen St?, surely not TWO streets in Edin w/4 broken bins?!) @Protonmale @theSpurtle

@NTCleanStreets nah. its Gosford Place. They've told me 3 times this is going to be sorted. @Edinburgh_CC @CityCentreLeith @theSpurtle

@theSpurtle @NTCleanStreets Don't go dissin @LAHinds department you crazy fools. She is not to be messed with.

@CityCycling Would be interesting actually to know just how many streets in @Edinburgh_CC where every bin is broken. @theSpurtle