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Submitted by koru on

Following their victory in the Lothians in June, last week a team of S3 and S4 pupils from Drummond Community High School took part in the Enterprising Maths in Scotland competition finals of the held at the Glasgow Science Centre. 

Fifty-eight teams who had qualified from regional events across the country tackled a variety of puzzles and problems, including team questions, practical tasks and calculations, logic games and relay races. 

The team – Katherine Dempsie (S4), Mhairi Dickie (S3), Matthew Farrow (S4) and Benjamin Sterratt (S3) – did Drummond and Maths teacher Michael Steele proud, finishing a very respectable ninth, the fifth highest-placing state school in the country.

Drummond Pupils at Enterprising Maths in Scotland Competition 2015

The Enterprising Maths in Scotland competition is organised by the Scottish Mathematical Council and sponsored by the Instutute and Faculty of Actuaries, who supplied generous goody-bags to all participants and also gave an inspirational presentation about the potential riches to be earned from entering the profession.

Institute & Faculty of Actuaries Freebies

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