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Out and about today across Broughton, Spurtle was glad to see that the barony is entering into the Hallowe'en spirit with a variety of more or less traditional, oddball and chillingly peculiar displays to set the mood.

How many of them do you recognise?

How many can you locate by small clues sometimes hidden in the detail?

Answers will appear at the foot of this page tomorrow.

This jolly fellow (top-right) has not been locked inside for the public's safety. It's just that the business wasn't open yet. Meanwhile, the wonderfully gnarled and twisted-looking root vegetables below will strike fear into the heart of any child expected to eat them.

This pumpkin has all the hair products it could wish for to choose from, but not a lot to use them on.

We're glad we caught this pair a few days ago. By today, they had vanished.

Perhaps this weird sister knows where they went.

This window has been dressed specially for the occasion ...

... whereas this one somehow manages to give us the creeps every day of the year.

This is currently Broughton's spookiest lamppost.


This normally cheerful character has taken the Hallowe'en huff.

In this establishment, the queue for the bathroom had not moved for some time.

Some people express Hallowe'en with colour ...

some with a cheery wave.

Spurtle even witnessed some spell-casting. We snapped the moment this washed-up old body was transformed ...

into a dried-out old cactus. He is clearly no longer getting his kicks ...

and neither is the owner of this boot. You don't want to know what was on the other spikes.

Ask not for whom the enormous conker tolls ... it tolls for thee.

Locations in order: (1) Bacco Wine, Dundas Street; (2) Earthy, Canonmills; (3) Trigg Hairdressers, Dundas Street; (4) Bellevue Place; (5) Crombie’s, Broughton Street; (6) The Dragonfly, Broughton Street; (7) Unicorn Antiques, Dundas Street; (8) Canonmills, next to the police box; (9) Cuckoo’s Bakery, Dundas Street; (10) Treacle Bar and Kitchen, Broughton Street; (11) Napier Bathrooms, Canonmills; (12) Narcissus Flowers, Broughton Street; (13) Barony Bar, Broughton Street; (14) Derelict shell; (15) Bellevue Street/Melgund Terrace; (16) Henderson Row; (17) Union Gallery, Broughton Street.


@theSpurtle not 'root vegetables', cucurbitaceae.

@NTCleanStreets As if that's going to make children eat them.

@theSpurtle also not a cactus, an euphorbia. An important distinction.

Broughton Spurtle ‏@theSpurtle  4 minutes ago

@NTCleanStreets I take it you have no quibble with washed-up or dried-out?