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Friends of the Rocheid Path

Friends of the Rocheid Path met last on 23 July 2012. Below are the minutes of that meeting.
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Prentice on pupils

Drummond Community High School's headteacher Norma Prentice addressed pupils and proud parents at last month's annual Celebration of Achievement.The…
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NTBCC - May 2012 minutes

Below are the most recently available approved minutes for the New Town and Broughton Community Council meeting held on 14 May. Enjoy.
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The Council's patchily informative details of road-closures affecting York Place and environs are attached below.The subject will be raised at the…
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Friends of the Rocheid Path

Minutes of the latest meeting held by Friends of the Rocheid Path (11 June 2012) are available below.
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The Botanic Cottage Project

Below, in a fuller version of the article which appeared in Issue 207, Dr David Rae (Director of Horticulture and Learning at the Royal Botanic…
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Mark Lazarowicz MP: News from Parliament and the community – May 2012

[Below – as usual, unedited and unendorsed by the Spurtle – is the latest round-up of news from Edinburgh North and Leith MP Mark Lazarowicz.]…
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'New contract with the capital'

In the pdf below are contained the new Coalition Administration's partnership agreement and pledges (published on 10 May), in full and unedited.…
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Friends of the Rocheid Path (30.4.12)

The latest minutes of the Friends of the Rocheid Path, taken at the meeting on 30 April 2012 are available below. For the next meeting, see Events.
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Leith Central Community Council minutes

Draft minutes of the last Leith Central Community Council meeting on 19 March are available in the pdf below.
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The website encountered an unexpected error. Try again later.
ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function Drupal\linkchecker\LinkExtractorBatch::__construct(), 3 passed in /var/web/drupal/10/web/core/lib/Drupal/Component/DependencyInjection/Container.php on line 261 and exactly 4 expected in Drupal\linkchecker\LinkExtractorBatch->__construct() (line 56 of modules/contrib/linkchecker/src/LinkExtractorBatch.php).
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