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Local stakeholders met City of Edinburgh Council officials on 19 March to discuss the trial partial pedestrianisation of George Street later this year (Issue 227Breaking news, 7.3.14)

City Centre Programme Manager Iain MacPhail was keen to capture locals’ concerns and so formulate the right questions in the right places during monitoring of the 12-month trial.

Part of the idea in establishing a well thought through research programme into traffic patterns and passenger movements is to enable CEC to react quickly and effectively if something unexpected happens – for example, hugely increased vehicle numbers crossing the New Town.

‘At the City of Edinburgh Council we are not obliged by the legislation to involve residents or other groups in the content of the research project,’ writes MacPhail. ‘But I think it is really important to do so, and I am really delighted with the response I have had from different residents’ groups within the New Town to participate at this stage.’

A paper giving background and context to the George Street trial was circulated at the research discussion, and this is now available in a pdf at the foot of this page.   

Meanwhile, general public consultation will continue until 11 April, with relevant documents available online here

Comments and objections (quoting Ref. TRO/14/13) in writing by 11 April to: Traffic Regulation Orders, Services for Communities, City Chambers, High Street, Edinburgh EH1 1YJ.