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As reported in Issue 181, work on refurbishment of Glenogle Baths is approaching completion. Glenogle champion Linda Wilson now reports latest developments.

CBC Ltd, the main on-site contractor , are making excellent progress. Work on rooflights is nearing completion so scaffolding will shortly be removed. Finishing touches are being made to many areas and several parts of the building have been completed and cleaned ready for the hand-over.

Particularly impressive are the stairs and reception areas, as the tiles were custom-manufactured to match the colour of the originals so it still looks like the 'old' Glenogle.

CBC expect to be off site by the end of May. This is slightly behind the original schedule but resulted from extra work being commissioned by City of Edinburgh Council, principally to the roof lights above the pool but also to the  stairways' and circulation areas' tiling (see for photos from the beginning of April).

The timetable for reopening now looks like this:

  • End of May – CBC finish up on site and hand over to Edinburgh Leisure
  • Beginning of June – Edinburgh Leisure begin recommissioning Glenogle. There's quite a lot to be done prior to opening to the public (e.g. staff training, bringing in and setting up equipment, putting up signage)
  • Tuesday 29 June and Wednesday 30 June – Existing customers will be invited along to Glenogle for a sneak preview and chance to test out the facilities prior to official opening.
  • Thursday 1 July – City of Edinburgh Council's official opening day, to which all are welcome.
  • Friday 2 July – Glenogle is open for business and the summer programme begins. Details of the programme are still being finalised but the Glenogle Swim Centre Manager, Wendy Avinou, welcomes any suggestions or comments about what you would like to see included on the programme. Please email her at with your ideas.