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Controversial plans to demolish and replace an end of terrace dwelling at 91 Annandale Street have beeen consented (Ref. 13/04984/FUL). 

We first reported a similar plan for the property in July last year (Breaking news, 10.7.13), then its emphatic refusal in Breaking news, (11.9.13) and a revised application before Christmas (Breaking news, 10.12.13).

Malcolm Chisholm MSP, and three residents in adjoining properties, objected to the latest application, their material representations being on grounds of loss of residential amenity and the proposal's design.

Regarding the former, a CEC official found that the latest proposal's sunken rear garden would have little effect on neighbours. As for design, he said it took account of the previous application's shortcomings. It had been redesigned and reduced in scale, and in addition to using matching materials 'the new house [would] have a positive impact on its setting by having regard to its positioning and by retaining the same height as the neighbouring property'. 

In short, the Planning officer found: 

The proposal complies with the development plan and the dormer is an acceptable infringement to the Council's Guidance for Householders as the design and form is compatible to the existing terrace and the new house would not detract from the appearance of the existing terrace and the existing neighbourhood amenity and character is retained. There are no other material considerations which outweigh this conclusion.

Not everyone agrees, but Spurtle continues to believe this an exciting modern addition to the area which locals will eventually come to like. Not least in terms of eco-friendliness, it may well set a standard for further redevelopment locally, a new generation of worthy replacements for the much-loved Miller homes as they approach the end of their useful design lives.


 Janice Johnson AND what about their poor neighbours. Once again, what do you mean "at the end of their design lives"Are you suggesting they are all knocked down!