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Greens share the vision of Scotland controlling more of its own destiny, and we will be part of the campaign for independence in the coming years, writes Alison Johnstone, Green MSP for Lothian region.

However, our vision is one of a much broader devolution of power, rather than any narrow nationalism. We want to see powers handed from the UK to Scotland, but then far more powers going from Scotland to local councils and from councils to communities.
While we recognise that there are legal issues to be resolved, we think that the Scottish Government, rather than the UK coalition, has the electoral mandate to take forward  the process of designing the referendum. The Scottish Government must  consult in a meaningful way with all parts of Scottish society to ensure that the referendum has the confidence of everyone taking part, especially when it comes to the question (or questions) asked.
We are very supportive of the right of 16- and 17-year olds to vote in  this referendum, and have previously campaigned for them to have a vote  in all Scottish elections. Politicians regularly talk about doing more to engage with young people – here’s the perfect opportunity.

Above all, we’re anxious that the debate moves on from the current wrangling over process to the real question of what sort of independent Scotland we are being offered. Greens will continue to put the case for a more just and equal society and a Scottish environment that is better protected for the future.


[See also the opinions of Mark Lazarowicz, MP, Malcolm Chisholm, MSP and Margo MacDonald, MSP.].