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Broughton-based artist Hatti Pattisson will be exhibiting new work at 25 Howe Street later this month (12–17 April).

On show (and for sale) will be paintings, prints, cushions, fabrics, lampshades, upholstered items, and two ‘exclusive fashion pieces’ created in collaboration with another Beaverhall Studio regular – award-winning designer Judy R. Clark (Issues 224, 227Breaking news, 16.11.13).

These are exciting times for Pattisson, who's about to start projects with internationally renowned designer Joelle Reed and has recently had interiors fabrics snapped up by the 5-star Three Chimneys hotel/restaurant on Skye.

Originally from Pittenweem, she took a foundation course at Central St Martin’s in London, then a degree course in Textile Design at Dundee’s Duncan of Jordanstone College. Her work typically features vibrant colours inspired by the land, sea and skyscapes of the East Neuk. The glistening quality of light on water is repeated in her hand painting of metallic foils onto fabrics.

In advance of the forthcoming show, trademark Hs have been distributed in 8 cafés/bars across Edinburgh since Friday. ‘Take a photo with the H, throwing your most creative pose' and tweet it to @HATTI_PATTISSON for a chance to win an exclusive hand-finished print. Remember to include the venue's twitter address and the #hatpatexhibit hashtag. The competition runs until 5pm on Friday 11th April.

Clues about where the aitches are can be found on the 4 April Facebook entry. Spurtle readers may be particularly interested in:

Location 3: A Coffee House most snug and aromatic found on one of Edinburgh’s most hip streets; you can find an artist (san) or two here.
Location 6: On your way to Stockbridge ye shall find a café where all your kitchen goods should be stored; With pastel coloured lanterns to guide you to some fresh & local food.
Location 7: Like the star sign named after the lion, this café is known for its fierce coffee (a good bean or two) and you can find it on a street called How(e).
Location 8: Let your nose roam over to this delightful bistro with a flair for European cuisine.