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One topic which arises frequently in correspondence with locals is how the Council decides how many bins to put in any particular street, writes Fred Street of the New Town Clean Streets Campaign

Here is a brief tutorial. 

City of Edinburgh Council's basic unit of calculation is the 'big bin', with a capacity of 3,200 litres. CEC works on an allowance of 150 litres of landfill rubbish per household per week. This is irrespective of the number of persons in the household, and compares with households which are not on the new recycling regime and instead have one individual 240-litre bin emptied every other week (i.e. 120 litres per week). 

The 3,200-litre bins are generally on a twice-weekly collection schedule, so the calculation goes: 3,200 / 150 x 2 = 43  (i.e. 1 big bin per 43 households).  

CEC can obviously interrogate Council Tax records to get a figure for the number of households, but bin warriors keen to check their calculations can get this information from the Post Office website's postcode finder tool. 

There are some fascinating anomalies. For instance, Barony Street: the Post Office website indicates 159 residential addresses on this street. So: 159 / 43 = 3.7 bins required. Why therefore does Barony Street boast EIGHT 3,200-litre bins?

The Bellevue/Claremont recycling trial is aimed at bringing tenemental streets closer to the new recycling regime that CEC is introducing for individual bin-holders. They aim to wean us all off our 150 litres per week and down towards 70 litres per week.

The immediate aim is to change 1 in every 4 'big bins' from landfill to mixed recycling, thereby reducing landfill capacity from 150 to 150 / 4 x 3 = 112 litres.  Presumably at some point in our futures the ratio will be moved to 2 in every 4.

If you have enjoyed these refuse-themed ruminations and still have room for more, Fred Street will return with additional coverage of the Bellevue/Claremont recycling trial in our printed May edition (Issue 240), out soon.

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@theSpurtle @NTCleanStreets burning question: why do people not use 'em? How many times have a found a bin bag beside not in a wheelie. Why?

@theSpurtle The reason for 8 bins in Albany Street is that Broughton Street residents will also be using them.

Andy B ‏@ontwoplanks

@theSpurtle @NTCleanStreets it seems they're always overflowing now at the top of Leith Wk and Easter Rd

 NewTownCleanStreets ‏@NTCleanStreets

You've touched on one of life's great mysteries, @KenWilson84. I will conduct further research @theSpurtle

3,200 / 150 x 2 = 43. Amaze friends & impress current or potential lovers with this simple trick for explaining ... 

Alexander Frei ‏@Protonmale 

@theSpurtle Tried this on my mistress. She's now my ex mistress. Cannot therefore recommend for potential lovers. :-(

@ontwoplanks @theSpurtle @NTCleanStreets & the side streets - big probs with irregular collections & trade waste overflowing. Disgusting :(

NewTownCleanStreets ‏@NTCleanStreets 

@FoodieHistorian @ontwoplanks @theSpurtle Indeed. It's the squeaky gate that gets the oil, Ive found - I can provide lessons in COMPLAINING!

NewTownCleanStreets ‏@NTCleanStreets 

@FoodieHistorian 4tweet pics of particularly disgusting examples to @Edinburgh_CC +selected allies: me, @DundasStbin @thebinlady @theSpurtle

Lynn Henni ‏@LynnHenni

@KenWilson84 @theSpurtle @NTCleanStreets some older residents find hard to manage...

Ken Wilson ‏@KenWilson84 

@LynnHenni @theSpurtle @NTCleanStreets yes, I appreciate that but these loose bags are a banquet for the gulls. Maybe bags not so full?

NewTownCleanStreets ‏@NTCleanStreets 

@KenWilson84 @LynnHenni @theSpurtle Large and/or heavy bags are very difficult to manoeuvre into these bins partic for those under 5'6 or so

NewTownCleanStreets ‏@NTCleanStreets 

@LynnHenni @theSpurtle but as you say, @KenWilson84, solution is to keep it little & often, ask for help if required, not to dump at side

Alexander Frei ‏@Protonmale 

@FoodieHistorian @ontwoplanks @theSpurtle @NTCleanStreets Hope all trade waste bins are moved off the streets as planned. They're a rash.