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A combination of (paid) work commitments, family duties and heatstroke has resulted in a comparatively quiet month for the Spurtle online. However, as the old saying goes, 'A spurtle in the brose is worth twa in the haun', and we are now back at full speed in time for July's printed edition.

Issue 196 will be out in the next few days, containing more news than you can shake a goose at.

We deal with education, conflagration, election and dedication. We cover dungeons and lagoons, astonishing hammers, Jambos, and a frank exchange of opinion.

We bring news of chocolate, cakes, French tarts and helping hands. Pub quizzes, frayed tempers, dentistry and hooligan speeders come next, then nappy wisdom, rumpus, TV locations, punk mandolinists, floods, velocipedes, frightening dancers, malty-talented canoodlers and 26 treasures.

Oh yes, and important Planning news you shouldn't miss.

All this in 4 pages distributed across Broughton's shops, pubs, galleries, cafés and hair salons by scantily-clad locals taking time-out from successful modelling careers.

Be sure to pick up your copy while stocks last.