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Submitted by Editor on

Issue 198 is almost ready, bringing you the usual heady mix of national and international news squeezed through an editorial sieve so fine that only the really Broughtony bits remain.

Next month, therefore, you will not be troubled by coverage of hurricanes, dictators, subcontinental corruption, the collapse of European economies or piracy.

Instead we'll bring you post-by-election analysis, pre-funding crisis warnings, historical insights and mixed news about basement developments. Watch out too for word of market expansion and parking extensions. We have dollops of sporting success, dates for your diaries, tram-related huffing, train-related puffing, pandas, Planning, hacking, ping-ponging, pusses and dogging. And a dragonfly. And pirates.

All reported 'in the best possible taste'.

The new Spurtle will appear online and in print from 1 September at local wineries, dineries, eateries, meeteries, hair salons, art galleries, newsagents, greengrocers, gift shops, places of worship, places you can't quite put your finger on, places you can but wish you hadn't, and houses of variable-repute. Subscribers will continue to receive their copies from liveried footmen in the traditional manner.

Readers – as ever – are urged to send us their news and views, and if any would like to take a more active part in assembling or distributing the paper we'd be delighted to hear from them.