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Issue 223 of the Spurtle is written, laid out, printed and ready for distribution. Expect to see it across Broughton from tomorrow. It’s jam-packed with most things except jam.

We kick off with the latest on 154 McDonald Road, statistical nonsense, subsidence and affordable homes, then continue with local players strutting and fretting their 15 minutes on the second page. They are joined by the Irish back of beyond, a Russian return, and news of the always coming but never quite arriving St James Quarter. Maraschino cherries, fleshpots and Morningside's pivotal role in national disaster squeeze in at the edges.

Page 3 deviates briefly into antiquarian books before lurching back onto familiar territory with a Spurtle exclusive on the Broughton sex industry. Brace for shebeens, cross-dressing policemen and corruption. Shame this story arrives 81 years too late.

Next, relax with dereliction, garbage and infestation by rats.

Five cheers for cyclehoops – the new street furniture for securing toddlers while you go shopping. They appear Briefly, as do well-reviewed local eateries, adult education for the over-50s and a windowless hut raising hackles in the 'New Town promontory'.

Lights, Leith and – say it's not so – Christmas Fair details draw matters to a close on the final back-by-popular-demand page 4.

October's Spurtle is free, independent and set to start stirring in any number of shops, eateries, drinkeries, libraries, church halls, hair salons, bike shops, fish shops, paper shops, greengrocers and gross greeners near you. From Pilrig Street to Howe Street, Queen Street to Canonmills, a newly extended print-run means it will never have been easier to secure your copy. In the event of not finding one, download Issue 223 in full and in colour from our Homepage here.

Would you like to help out with the Spurtle? We welcome all sorts – writers, distributors, news-hounds, cool cats, ideas people, gossipmongers, photographers, young, old, miserably middle-aged and of almost all political persuasions ... your local input makes the difference. 

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