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Submitted by Editor on

Spurning convention and the relentless march of time, Spurtle was not published on the first of the month at the weekend. Instead we propose publishing later today, it being the 3rd, which in trendy circles is the new 1st.

Issue 227 will be worth the wait. It contains details of a major new trial for city-centre travellers, a brief history of pop royalty in pre-Indy Ref Broughton, advice for the hungry, brain-food for the artistic, fashion, steam, victory, rubbish, police boxes, toddlers, and enough planning news with links to associated documents to sink a medium-sized starship.

It will be available in shops, newsagents, eateries, drinkeries, bicycle repair centres, galleries, libraries, fishmongers, greengrocers, pubs, hair salons and all reputable places defying decent description free of charge and party-political bias.

Alternatively, you can download a colour pdf from our Home Page this evening.