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Submitted by Editor on

The December/January issue of your free independent stirrer is almost here. Advance copies have already been seen by some members of the team, and they are – reportedly – more beautiful than a Bernard Matthews turkey.

The Spurtles, obviously, not the team members.

Issue 236 contains no giblets but plenty of planning, fiascos, Council rethinks, warm wishes, courting and LURVE.

We serve up Nordic nosh, bean-stalks, American charts and bin progress in a blaes of glory. Feast on our Scouts, festive fury, an old bird and and an angry young man skating (head-first) on thin ice.

Then wash it all down with an odd assemblage of old and new tram news, the pursuit of more LURVE, and a punch in the nose. Seek mediation and fall asleep on Broughton Street.

Spurtles will be available across the barony in pubs, clubs, shops, libraries, hair salons, bike doctors, dentists’ waiting rooms and lowly cattle sheds.

Alternatively, download a colour pdf from our Home page bright and early on Monday 1 December.