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What is that strange excitement in the air? What is that gathering vibration? Is it the tremor of erupting crocuses? Is it the massed yawns of wakening hedgehogs? The beat of migrant wings returning from the South?

No. It's the clatter of Spurtle’s May issue bursting from the presses like a huge thunderplump of hyperlocal news, views, heads-ups, hands on hearts and mixed metaphors.

Issue 240 contains musical and chronometrical developments, an imminent absence and a likely arrival.

There are hustings nutshells and sick parrots, unwanted gifts, crimes solved, bookbinding hilarity, railings and an excavation explanation.

Page 3 has a poke at the plods, and swallows excitedly before some good vibrations. There are screenings, welcomes and two recommendations for local reads.

Our back page concludes with inconvenience in Canonmills, a giant poo and a hideous great lump.

All this and more will be available shortly in pubs, clubs, libraries, shops, cafés, hair salons and assorted elsewheres everywhere across the barony and beyond between Pilrig and Howe Streets, Queen Street and Warriston Crescent. If you can’t find a copy, tell us and we’ll resupply the stockist of your choice.

Alternatively, download your Spurtle as a colourful pdf from our Home Page here from 1 May onwards.

Got a view for us? A story? A whisper? An offer of help?  We're listening ... Tell us at