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Submitted by Editor on

After much toil and trouble, the new Spurtle will begin to manifest across the barony this weekend.

Its dark recesses are lined with familiar stories of looming developments, dread parking changes, and savage cuts.

Chill to the rustling pitter-pat of overflowing bins. Gasp at horrible doings in the shrubbery. Shriek in the face of the disembodied bonce below Rodney Street.

Are you brave enough to delve deep into the cracks between paving slabs? Would you examine our tales of community council meetings which other papers dare not even visit?

Reader, would you look straight into the eye of the one who summons storms? Would you join us among playful children with a severed foot?  Would you confront fire, flood, plague, mothballs, moaning and budget airlines on your very doorstep?

Reader, if you can keep your head when all about you have theirs tucked under their oxters, then pick up your free November issue from any of the usual Broughton haunts. Alternatively, summon a pdf from our Homepage here at midnight tonight. 

We'll be waiting for you.