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Submitted by Editor on

As you read this, literally numbers of highly trained volunteers are preparing to distribute copies of the September Spurtle the length and breadth of Broughton and beyond. 

You, too, will soon have in your hands this gossamer-light publication, slim and convenient but thick-as-a-brick with heavyweight north-central Edinburgh news. 

Issue 255 creaks with the tension of contradictory planning developments, steps gingerly towards the first rung of a democratic ladder, tuts knowingly at some smoking ruins, and tops off page 1 with a new low much admired in a local basement.

Inside we have news to delight Bellevue residents and then fill them with foreboding, a shrunken hyena, buffalo, swings-and-roundabout rumours in the park, and rather shocking findings about capital children to make you think.

We have a splendid woman with local connections – she’s currently obscure but soon to be better known ­– and an outbreak of jay-walking, an extended item of post-Festival teeth-grinding, audible concerns, and a splendid woman with local connections who is currently well known but soon to be more obscure.

Page 4 contains a number of new-to-Spurtle advertisers, bicycling news, Leith Walk improvements and glad tidings for thrifty Fifers.

We’ve only just scratched the surface. For all this and much more, pick up your paper copy from Thursday, or download it as a colourful pdf on our Home page here.

Remember, if you have news, views, careless whispers or jpegs you think Spurtleshire people should know about, we’d love to hear from you.

Contact us at: and @theSpurtle and Facebook