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Now summer is in flower and nature’s hum is rarely heard above the traffic’s boom, why not plug your ears with the latest copy of the  Broughton Spurtle? 

Read it first, though, for all the latest news in the barony. We have Council election analysis on page 1, along with a famous fiddler, ways to cut bills, concerns about lets and, not unrelated, perhaps the final refusal for the garage that wouldn’t take no for an answer. 

Exciting times on Abbey Mount and Warriston Road feature on page 2, along with a bottom-up response to community politics. 

Lamps, cakes, masonry, trees, historical objects and cat-suits follow. As does exclusive confirmation of a forthcoming arrival … 

And still only halway through

On page 3 we have gigantic growth, warbles, and a first for Broughton St Mary’s. We detail what’s missing from the Water of Leith and why, prattle on about pavement pinches, summarise three of the big planning stories, and cover the entire General Election in five lines.

Prizes for everyone on page 4, plus a first for Annandale Mosque, more problems with pavements, and the possible disappearance of Dawson City.

If it roars, peeps, snizzles or squawks in Broughton, you’ll hear about it first in the Spurtle. Pick up your copy in all the usual spots from tomorrow, or download a colour pdf from our Homepage after midnight tonight.

In the meantime, if you have news, views, photos or offers of help, we’d love to hear from you. 

Please contact us at and @theSpurtle and Facebook