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Submitted by Editor on

It’s nearly September, and the new Spurtles are ripening on the vine in a printshop near you. 

Bursting with juicy interest, our luscious clusters contain news of locals in a spin, good causes, high stakes, and soggy bottoms not on the telly. 

You want Gardening tips? We got ‘em. Thinking of putting your foot in it? We give reasons not to. 

We have eye-catching repetitiveness and sore points for musicians, no end of planning developments and a bush full of bickering birdlife. There’s a floral tribute on page 3, and an explanation for the mystery everybody in Broughton is talking about: the big pink chicken. 

Cabbies, courses, closures and Council motions are collected within inches of each other for convenience. You’re welcome.

Page 4 wraps it all up with some new lights, Dunedin excitement and a very long sentence.

You’ll find Issue 265 in all the usual haunts about town – eateries, drinkeries, hairdressers, libraries, newsagents, giftshops and sundry odd spots where the sun doesn’t shine without an appointment.

Alternatively, you can read it in beautiful colour on our website here from the early hours of Friday morning.