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Submitted by Editor on

It’s nearly March, and copies of the latest Spurtle have already begun bouncing about the barony like spring hares on a garden trampoline. 

Issue 282 of your action-packed local stirrer begins with big decisions, bad baking, and a by-election … plus high jinks among pond life. 

It continues with buses, borrowing, and a welcome absence of bollards, bids farewell to the lady boys of Pilrig, ruminates on leviathans, and puts in a good word for scruffy unfortunates. 

We carry news of a spectre, a mystery postcard, tenements, and fun at the YMCA. There’s the latest on heaps of planning news, Chris Packham, and an unreserved apology from the Editor.

In fact, there’s so much squeezed into four pages and 3,340 words that if we put in any more our margins would burst.

Pick up a copy (be warned, all that ink means it’s heavier than normal) at any of the usual haunts in Broughton and beyond, or, if you can’t wait and prefer colour, download a weightless pdf from our website HERE after midnight.