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Submitted by Editor on

A sign that the recession is biting deeply can be found in the fact that there were only three planning applications made in the City Centre (Ward 11) last week.

Two were for small-scale domestic work. One (retrospective) was for Standard Life to advertise at 30 Lothian Road its sponsorship of Great Britain's Olympic basketball teams.

In Leith (Ward 13) there was a single application: to change an office in Constitution Street into a dwelling.

In Leith Walk (Ward 12), there were no applications whatsoever. Not a one. Zilch. Nada. Only the tumbleweed and the low, moaning sound of architects.


A proposal by the Howard Hotel to alter and extend partially derelict muse properties at 16/17 Cumberland Street South East Lane has been withdrawn (Ref. 12/01165/FUL; Breaking news, 18.4.12).

The change of plan came at the request of the agent, Novo. No explanation was given.

The Council has published no observations about the proposal. Enquiries were made by phone yesterday but no-one was available to take the call and our message has so far gone unanswered.

Nine comments were received from members of the public, but they are unavailable to view online.