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Submitted by Editor on

The street-artist responsible for an urban anti-hero on McDonald Road has struck again, this time at the other end of the city on the outermost borders of Greater Spurtleshire.

The characteristic style is evident in the stencilled portrait on paper of a woman staring moodily into the distance from a Council air quality monitoring station at the top of Wemyss Place. She has a third eye on her forehead enclosed by an arc and rather masonic-looking triangle, and to our mind at least resembles Bianca Jagger crossed with Darth Vada.

The reversed N in a circle, familiar from the McDonald Rd work, is repeated here, although this time in colour. There are also further mysterious letters: D V Y, perhaps an abbreviated form of Davey.

As ever, we would welcome readers' interpretations, background information on the work and other sightings, and would of course be glad to interview the artist him or herself in strictest confidence.
