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Our partners at Muthambi Boys and Girls schools in Kenya went off on their long ‘summer’ holidays at the end of November, writes Drummon CHS Librarian and Partnership Coordinator Annie Scanlon.

They have completed their exams but have a couple of agonising months before the results come back. They will go home to farms and towns to work over the holidays and save money for the next session's fees. They will go back to school at the start of February when the weather is cooler.

Christmas is a big celebration in Kenya when as many families as can afford it get together. They have been saving flour for the traditional japattis, which are cooked over a hot griddle and are popular served with goat,* chicken and roast potatoes.

At Drummond we held our Media Café on 11 November and raised £523.01 towards our Kenya projects. We would like to thank all the parents and local community for their help and generosity.

The Kenya Group at Drummond are currently involved in making life-sized collages of themselves. They have drawn round their bodies and will be ‘filling’ the space with information about themselves. These will then be sent to Kenya to go on display in the dining hall. 

We hope they will send us back some ‘bodies’ from Kenya! 


[* For readers interested in this dish, Spurtle recommends the following website.]