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The three wards comprising 'Spurtleshire' reflected city-wide trends as the results came in yesterday for the City of Edinburgh Council election.

There were gains in the City Centre for Labour's Karen Doran; and in Leith Walk, where a second Labour candidate – Nick Gardner – squeezed in at Round 11. In both cases, new Liberal Democrat candidates did not manage to step into the shoes of their elected predecessors. In both wards, incumbent candidates were returned comfortably in the first or second rounds.

The Greens gained a new seat in Inverleith, where local campaigner Nigel Bagshaw came in ahead of the Liberal Democrats and second candidates for the Conservatives and SNP.

As at the Spurtle hustings, turnout was disappointing – on average 15.9% below the figure in 2007.

In the summaries below, the number after each candidate's party shows the round at which the candidate was elected. The number in brackets shows the number of first-preference votes.

More detailed breakdowns are available in the files at the foot of the page.

Across the city, Labour became the biggest party with 20 seats, the SNP won 18, the Conservatives 11, the Greens 6, and the Liberal Democrats 3.


Ward 5 (Inverleith)

Lesley Hinds (Labour) 1 (2,751)
Nigel Bagshaw (Green) 4  (1,641)
Gavin Barrie (SNP) 4 (1,434)
Ian Whyte (Conservative) 4  (1,956)

No of votes: 11,127
Turnout: 47.9% (-16.5% on 2007)


Ward 11 (City Centre)

Joanna Mowat (Conservative) 1  (1,402)
Alasdair Rankin (SNP)  2  (1,264))
Karen Doran (Labour) 6  (1,082)

No. of votes: 5,101
Turnout 36.6% (-14.2% on 2007)


Ward 12 (Leith Walk)

Angela Blacklock (Labour) 1 (1,674)
Deidre Brock (SNP) 1  (1,735)
Maggie Chapman (Green) 1  (1,593)
Nick Gardner (Labour) 11  (937)

No. of votes: 8,012
Turnout: 36.2% (-17.1% from 2007)