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Students, staff and community users are all getting together on Friday 1 April to raise money for the Drummond/Kenya Partnership and enjoy a lovely morning out in Holyrood Park, writes organiser Annie Scanlon.

The funds will go towards the visit of 4 students and 4 teachers from Muthambi Boys and Girls Schools to Drummond Community High School in June this year.

If you, your friends, family or workmates would like to support us and enjoy a good stroll, why not come along. Get in contact with Birgit or Carol in the Community Education Department to register and receive your Sponsored Walk Pack.

On the day you will register at 10:00am at the ‘Community Stand’ on Parade Ground, Holyrood Park. The walk will follow paths around the park, roughly following the ‘High Road'. The walk is 7km and will end around 11.30–12.00 am.

Shirley-Anne Somerville, MSP is a great supporter of the Kenya project and will be coming along to support us and talk to students.

Funds raised from the walk will be added to the £3,360 already raised by students, staff and the community. We have to say a huge thank you to Sir Tom Farmer, who has pledged to match our fundraising pound for pound up to £5,000. Our thanks also go out to the Spurtle for a donation of £150, and to its readers for their continued support.

For more information about any of the above, and to receive your Sponsored Walk Pack: Tel. 556 2651, email; or pop into the Community Office and ask for Birgit Harris or Carol Nowbaveh.