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Partly out of interest in other people’s excavations, and partly spurred by Vonny Moyes’s recent article on the bitter-sweet pleasures of Brutalism (Issue 250), Spurtle wandered about the St James Centre this afternoon in search of scenes which will soon be gone forever.  

We shan’t inflict all of them on you in one go. Instead, we start with some aerial views around Leith Street.

More snaps from our farewell tour will feature in the weeks to come.


 Neale Gilhooley Will be great to see it dismantled. Hopefully we will never see it's like again in Edinburgh, we hope?

 Bill Dunlop I foresee Broughton Street and surrounding areas doing excellent take-away business over the next few months / years... 

 Dominic Berry Wonderful to see the Dugald Stewart and Nelson Monuments looking down and saying, "Well, you didn't last long!"

 Lizz Rennie will be strange not to see it there anymore and i hope all the people in the businesses who have lost their jobs as they either have no other premises for their business to go to or are not being used in the other shops the companies in there have in other places, all get new jobs quickly

David Sterratt Retweeted Broughton Spurtle

I really am quite fond of that St James Centre concrete - much more solid-looking than the turd.