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Submitted by Editor on

Nearby residents appear broadly in favour of pre-planning application proposals for the former Martin & Frost site at 130 McDonald Rd (see 'Breaking news', 23.3.10).

They see Foremost Properties' plans for a mixed commercia/residential development as a great improvement on those of Unite in 2008–09 (Issues 155–7, 164, 168–9, 172), not least because they meet local expectations regarding sustainable/environmental issues and proposed materials.

But some concerns remain about massing, loss of amenity and parking, and neighbours have now approached the New Town and Broughton Community Council for advice on these topics before going to architects Hackland + Dore (H+D) with suggested amendments.

'This has been a long drawn out process and residents will be extremely happy when a decision is made regarding the site,' comments local campaigner Jackie Bell. 'We are committed to getting the best possible end result for this site as once the build is complete it will be there for a long time.

'Hopefully, a solution can be found which not only offers a high standard of amenity to new residents, but protects the amenity of existing ones.'

See 'Extras' (1.4.10) for detailed concerns.