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Since we broke the news last week that the Coop Group plans to open a new 'convenience store' on McDonald Road, reactions have started coming in from individuals and politicians alike. Here we give them in full, in no particular order.

We will add to this page if and when new responses are received. 


I have to say that I am surprised as there is a Tesco so close by (on Leith Walk). There are a number of independent shops on Leith Walk who I fear would be affected such as grocers and newsagents.  I will certainly be putting in an objection on the basis that we would like Leith Walk to remain a vibrant and varied shopping district.

Cllr Angela Blacklock


I used to live in one of the flats next to the Hopetoun Inn a few years back. I have some fond memories of the pub and some of the customers who frequented the place. But I also remember customers who urinated on stairs of our flat, fought outside, passed out drunk, or left broken glass and fag ends on the pavement. So I don't mourn the pub's closing.

It's an awful place for a pub, but it;s an awful place for most businesses. It's a very large space that's out of the way for Leith Walk, so the ‘obvious’ business for that location is something that attracts a lot of customers who will go out of their way to shop there. So who else would want to set up there besides a supermarket?

A better alternative is to divide the premisses into a few smaller businesses. Mixed use is much more appropriate, as some of the shops could serve local residents, while others would be specialised enough to attract customers from elsewhere, without being a nuisance to their neighbours.

Robert Rothenberg, Comiston


I am very concerned about this latest application.  At some point planners have to take a decision to protect local shops and businesses and that means refusing permission for more mini-supermarkets like this one.  I hope a line in the sand can be drawn here and this proposal rejected.     

Shirley-Anne Somerville, MSP


Supermarkets thrive because people are desperate to give them their money. How to change such attitudes?

@apotropaicatom on Twitter


I am writing in support of constituents who live in the vicinity of McDonald Road and who have contacted me to express their opposition to the planning application submitted by The Cooperative Group.

The company view that the area is poorly served by convenience stores is opposed to that of constituents who consider that the area is already adequately provided for with stores in Brunswick Place and Leith Walk. The McDonald Road site is not currently subject to a Class 1 retail licence whereas the Tesco Express store on Brunswick Road occupies a site which was already so designated.

The premises at 8 McDonald Road occupies a site bounded by densely-populated residential streets and residents fear that there will be noise disturbance and disruption to traffic from the frequent deliveries – required because of the small size of the loading bay.

They also anticipate further disturbance from the entry and exit of customers during opening hours.

The Leith Central Community Council voted unanimously to object to the application and I would urge the Planning Committee to refuse it.

Margo MacDonald, MSP (writing to CEC Head of Planning)



I’m certainly concerned about supermarket proposals that have an adverse effect on local shops, as this would. I think there are  already sufficient supermarkets in the area.

Malcolm Chisholm, MSP



Having read through the submission I am not in favour of this proposal. There is a similar sized supermarket convenience store just metres away and I find it difficult to understand why another such business would want to set up in such close proximity to it. Small businesses along and around Leith Walk have suffered enormous upheaval throughout the tram works – the effect upon them of yet more competition from a larger-scale supermarket operation must be taken into consideration.

Cllr Deidre Brock



I have written a letter of concern to Edinburgh Council regarding this application, urging them to give due consideration to the objections of local residents and take their views seriously when deciding upon this matter.

Gavin Brown, MSP