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A minor tragedy has unfolded on McDonald Road, writes our wandering Music correspondent. It concerns the unexpected arrival there, last Monday or Tuesday, of a pianola

The instrument appeared on the street when the weather was still fine. A notice attached said that it was going to be collected.

At that stage it was in a fit condition to play, and tinkling from its ivories could be heard on the warm-ish evenings early in the week.

Then came the rain, causing the keys to seize up and the veneer to peel. The neglected nickelodeon looked forlorn.

On Friday, its mechanism was removed by a local who’d seen it every day en route to and from school with his child. He now plans to connect up the mechanism to whistles. His neighbours can barely contain their excitement. 

Over the weekend there has been even more rain, and the pianola’s condition has deteriorated further.

As well as attracting vandals, the instrument has attracted sympathy from passers-by, culminating in a new notice being attached.

It looks like the pianola equivalent of assisted suicide.

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Many thanks to Andrew Leggatt, who – shortly after this story was first published – sent us this latest, sad instalment.