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No excuses for bad bin behaviour

Submitted by Editor on

Dear Spurtle,

This is a bin in Scotland Street.

During the storm on Friday 26 November, it was empty and blown into the kerb. It is proving difficult to deal with. The normal vehicle cannot lift it and, as it is full it requires more than two men to push into position. The Council is dealing with the results of the storm across the city and problems in streets with far higher density and footfall than Scotland Street.

We are in frequent touch with the Council, and they are hoping to have it cleared up soon. However, some residents of Scotland Street and some from Drummond Place (who elected to have gull-proof bins but use the bins which are calibrated to serve our street) are responsible for the current mess. Residents have filled this bin and are now piling rubbish around it.

There is another bin which has been emptied four times, less than 50m away,  another at the end of the street, and several which always have room a few steps further on. Yet still rubbish is piled on the pavement round the bin directly outside homes.

The problem is compounded by the 16 Houses in Multiple Occupation on the street. From our observation, tenants are rarely provided with information about recycling boxes. As a result the HMO tenants deposit large amounts of cardboard and glass in the domestic bins.

I hear a lot about tipping and rubbish-strewn pavements and Council failures. But, certainly in this street and parts of Drummond Place, it is the behaviour of residents which is the problem. 

Disgusted of Scotland Street

(Scotland Street)



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