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Submitted by Editor on

'Does my bum look big in this?'

It's a question many have been asked at one time or another, and one for which there is no satisfactory response.

'No' is generally disbelieved. 'Yes' is always the wrong answer. 'No bigger than usual' requires booking into a B&B for a few days. It's altogether better to feign deafness.

However, in the case of this van parked thoughtlessly at the weekend on East London Street, Spurtle will not even wait to be asked. The vehicle's ludicrously large posterior stuck out far too far, blocking a substantial part of the pavement where it had no business to be at all.

The correspondent who sent us this photographic evidence yesterday included only the address and time before enigmatically finishing her email with the words 'Wheelchairs? Pushchairs? Bad tempered old biddies?'

Spurtle has no intention of responding. All three sound like trick questions.
