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Gastronomes across Edinburgh are rejoicing at news that the café kiosk outside the St James Centre has been granted permission to carry on for another three years (Ref. 11/00268/FUL). Over the two years in which it has operated so far, no complaints about odour or noise have been received, and its continuation is not considered likely to jeopardise redevelopment proposals for the adjacent shopping mall.

Interestingly, the Council report observes: 'The redevelopment scheme for the St. James centre, which includes the forecourt area, has been approved in principle. However, the application for approval of matters specified in conditions has not yet been submitted, and it is not anticipated that the proposals will be implemented for at least a further 3 years'.

[img_assist|nid=1668|title=|desc=|link=node|align=right|width=200|height=178]Roxburgh Investment Ltd has gained planning permission for its conversion of offices at 26 Albany Street to use as three flats (Ref. 10/03518/FUL). Despite some reservations, Historic Scotland has welcomed the 'conservation gains'. Future dwellers may wish to invest in bicycles or kick-boxing lessons as the properties enjoy no on-site parking, and will be granted only one residents parking permit between the three of them.

Permission has been granted to demolish a steel girder bridge of no significant architectural value (Ref. 11/00520/LBC). Apex Hotels Ltd, owners of the Grade B-listed Parliament House Hotel at 3–15 Calton Hill, sought permission to remove the redundant structure in an enclosed courtyard, which was originally introduced to link the Edinburgh and Leith Corporation Gas Commissioners to their Waterloo Place offices. Unlovely as this dingy corner of Edinburgh may be (see photo at Planning portal for just how unlovely), the bridge spanning it is nevertheless of historical interest, and must be recorded by the RCAHMS prior to its removal.

G. Savage and V. Sardoo have applied to install 'pull out traditional awnings' outside their premises at 150 Dundas Street (Ref. 11/00896/ADV). The proposed awnings will comprise traditional blue plastic.