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City Planners have now agreed listed building consent for a minor revamp to the exterior of C.C. Bloom's on Greenside Place (Ref. 12/00172/LBC; see Breaking news, 31.1.12).

So far so unremarkably common-sensical.

The report reads: 'The application proposes new signage in replacement of the existing signage. This is similar in scale to that existing. A small projecting sign is also proposed plus two small menu boards flanking the entrance. A third board illustrated at the side of the second door to the left already exists and has been there for many years.
'The proposal has no effect on the character of the listed building.'

Does this remind you of anything? It reminds us of Real Foods, currently appealing the Council's inexplicably heavy-handed and unhelpful response to their signage on Broughton Street (Breaking news, 1.11.11).

On 6 March, an interesting blog on the same topic appeared at:

A certificate of lawfulness for the existing use of a basement at 43 Broughton Street (Crolla's) has been consented (Ref. 11/03201/CLE).

Permission was first granted in 2001, and a café operated there until late 2007.

At that point, the tenants 'vanished' and the owner advertised the premises for lease for use as a café/restaurant.

Mr Crolla took up a lease on the ground floor in 2009 and has traded there since May 2010 (Issue 183). He seeks to expand downstairs. 

Despite being vacant at the moment, CEC officials concluded that the basement's past use as a café was pretty well evidenced by rates records, leases and Environmental Health certicates, and so have no objection to Mr Crolla's plan.

Spurtle wishes him success.