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A proposal by Kingsford Developments Ltd to fit 600mm x 600mm bush hammered Domus tiles to the entrance platt at 76 Dublin Street has been refused listed building consent (Ref. 15/01177/LBC). 

A Council assessment stated:

The external finish that the proposed tiles will create is wholly unacceptable and does not represent the original design intention of the street. An important part of the external character of Edinburgh's New Town is the platt leading to the main entrance over the void at basement. Although the void has been filled in with the developemnt of habtable [sic] accommodation within the basement well, the appearance of the bridged gap to the street remains sensitive. The complete cladding of the original and extended platt is highly inappropriate having an unwelcome impact on the architectural integrity of the listed building and an adverse impact on the special character and appearance of the conservation area. It would also set a dangerous precedent for the repair of entrance platts within the street and wider conservation area.

The proposals would adversely affect the special character and appearance of the conservation area.

Officials also remarked that: ‘Despite contained requests made to the architects seeking a more appropriate cladding material with suggestions made, no amended scheme was submitted’.

This is not the first plan for the Category A-listed building's platt to get nowhere. We began covering the story in January and March last year (Breaking news, 21.3.14).

Surprisingly, no comments were received on the application from members of the public, heritage watchdogs or New Town & Broughton Community Council. Perhaps all were overwhelmed by larger-scale considerations uphill and further east.

Note: The scaffolding shown above relates to work on the roof, and is not connected to the platt proposals. We have no idea who's responsible for the Doritos.

Not only but also

Meanwhile, Kingsford Developments has had greater success at 154 McDonald Road.

Following withdrawal of its bewildering proposal to site a substation and sunlounge in the north-facing former playground, its unexplained proposal to create two new gateways through the B-listed building's boundary fence was granted last week.